Me at Graduation

About Me

I am currently looking for a career as a front end web developer.

I specialize in multimedia work and creating websites that simplify and streamline user input. As an undergraduate I worked for the German engineering company Carr Lane Roemheld doing administrative office work such as updating and maintaining the customer database and handling expense reports. For a year and a half, up until project completion at the end of 2014, I worked at Mizzou's Geographic Resource Center (GRC), interpreting geospatial imagery and adding to their database.

I completed my degree in Information Technology at the University of Missouri in May 2014 with a minor in Art History. I have continued to enhance my web development skills through personal projects, including a Pathfinders (D&D) character creation database and web application (in progress), online tutorials, and meetings via Google Hangouts with like-minded web designers and programmers.

Additional career goals include:

My hobbies are woodworking, playing League of Legends, Pathfinder Society and hiking.